Well, it's finally begun! We are in the last week of being Texans and we are busy getting everything organized. We are having those feelings of hurrying to get everything done, see everything, and visit everybody before we leave. We went to our good friends, the Teague's, for a little Super Bowl get together, going out with a friend from work tonight, and then having a big going away supper tomorrow night. Whew!
Sunday morning we took all of the decorations off of the walls and filled the holes. We were expecting it to be a more difficult project but it really took no time at all. I went a little ahead of Beau and took the stuff down and Zoey followed him with a jar so he could put the nails in. Our house looks so bare and different!
Daddy hard at work!
Charlotte didn't know what to think of all the commotion!
I love watching them play. Charlotte is so amused with anything Zoey does and Zoey loves making her laugh.
Baby always has to give her dirty looks!
My big girl. She is so excited to get to Kansas, I think she was a little hesitant at first and talked about how she will miss her friends and our house. Now she talks about all the fun things she can't wait to do when she gets to Kansas. I called the school to let them know her last day will be Friday and the lady went on and on about how they will miss her and she is such a good helper in the mornings getting the other kids their cards. I'm so proud of her! She's had some kind of bad days lately and it was nice to hear that even though she can be difficult at times they still appreciate her personality. She is so excited to start school with her cousin Andrew and meet her new teacher. I hope she does good! I told her Nana Kriss will go sit with her at school and make her behave, at least that's what she always threatened me with haha!
I've been busy getting laundry ready and cleaning what we can clean before we take off on Saturday. I'm taking the girls, the animals, and the things the movers won't take like fingernail polish and some other things. I bet Beau will be happy to have a super quiet house for a couple of days haha!