The other day I mentioned my aunts Cyndee and Becky had came down for a visit a couple weeks ago. We had so much fun and Zoey absolutely loved having them here. It was nice to have some entertainment for Zoey, sometimes I worry we don't do enough with her but it's limited since we can't hardly go outside because of the heat. We had lots of laughs and ate lots of good food and just had an all around great time.
While they were here Cyndee taught Zoey how to write 60's since that is our family brand. Zoey was very impressed and wrote a couple pages full of 60's and we mailed one to Grandpa Von and one to Uncle Dewey. Zoey was so excited! After they got home Cyndee asked me a couple times if we had recieved anything in the mail and finally it came!
Don't you love getting mail? Zoey couldn't wait to open the envelope and the first picture she took out was Susie the Pig. Zoey gasped and said, "Oh Mom, it's Susan the Pig! I've always wanted a picture of Susan the Pig!" Haha, I told her I think her name is Susie and she said oh yeah that's right. It was so funny.
Cyndee always wears lipstick and shared with Zoey when she was here, Zoey was in heaven. Everytime we turned around Zoey was asking for some 'lippy-sticky'. She even had some on her teeth just like Aunt Cyndee! Haha, Cyndee wrote on the back of the picture, Grandma Edna in the making, which is so true!
While they were here we toured the Fire Station with Beau, it's so neat getting to show my family this part of our lives. It's nice getting to watch their reactions to the airplanes and seeing all the stuff on base. If Beau does end up getting medically retired I'm going to miss people coming to visit and seeing everything.
We don't have any big plans for the 4th, we promised Zoey we would go bowling tomorrow they have really nice deals on Sundays. I'm making chicken kebobs, 7-layer salad, and a chocolate cake tonight for supper. I've never made this cake before it's called a cheap chocolate cake and it doesn't have any butter or oil in it, I'm excited to try it!
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