October 4, 2011


Things have been busy around here, we've been getting lots of stuff done!  First off, I found a walker for Charlotte online for $15 and it was in great shape! They are normally around $55 so I was very pleased to find it.  I got it all cleaned up and was so excited to try it out and she doesn't like it.  Haha her feet don't quite reach the ground in it yet so I think once she can scoot around in it she will be much happier.

 The cat did NOT know what to think when I brought it in.  The animals always have to check anything out that's new.  I taped Zoey's hopscotch mat to the floor this weekend so she could use it and the dog and cat both layed on it the whole time.  It seemed like everytime I looked one of them was rubbing on it or sleeping or just sitting on it.  They are so funny!
On Sunday Zoey and I got all the Halloween decorations up.  I'm glad I kept everything from last year, even my Dollar Store finds.  We still have our big blow up pumpkin to put up outside but I need to check and be sure we are allowed to.  Being on base we have to be careful when we put up and take down decorations. 

 I'm loving all of her fun Halloween stuff from school last year.  So cute!
Zoey told me where to thumbtack the spider web and was very impressed with the shadow it makes.  Very spooooky!

This was Charlotte's face during most of the decorating.  I think she thinks we are nutso half the time!  Haha

We bought this witch at a thrift store Zoey's first Halloween! She is still in great shape.

 (She dresses herself on the weekends, don't judge)
Baby sister got in on the action!
Big sister had an octopus in seaweed for supper, an idea I got from where else? Pinterest!  She was very impressed!
Here was another thing I found, putting foam shapes on lids and using them as stampers.  Zoey had a purple dot at school today (yay Zoey!!!) so off to The Dollar Store we went!  I've been saving up lids for a while and today I found ink pads so I figured we better try it out. 
 This is what she picked out for herself since she had a great day.  She cracks me up...
It was definitely trial and error, the big lids didn't work very well.  The best would be the pop bottle lid or the milk jug lids.  It was really a fun project to do and we are going to keep adding to our stamp collection!

Hope everyone is having a great week!


Anonymous said...

well it would not let me comment so i will try under anonymous..woo hoo you did a great job and the kiddooss are so cute--i don't have to put up cob webs mine are real--love yallll--mom

Anonymous said...

I have real cob webs too :) I love Char's faces and Zoey's style, they both take after their mama.

Anonymous said...

way to go aften, you are so good. the chillens are soooo cute.