November 6, 2011

That's IT!

Dear Justin Bieber,
You have officially worn out your welcome.  Every time I turn the corner and see you standing there smirking at me my heart leaps out of my chest.  EVERY single time.  Maybe if you weren't 6 feet tall and wearing all black you wouldn't be such a scary figure there in the corner.  You've scared Beau a couple times and the cat still puffs up if you are moved around at all.  I think you might have to go live with a new family.  Don't take it personally.

Sincerely scared,


kriss said...

He lasted longer at your house than [could you see zues]....

kw said...

oh idea---maybe you can raffel him off for some school thing love mom

Anonymous said...

You've got to bring his to W. Kansas! I want to put him on people's doorsteps and ring their doorbell and run! Or, we can put him in their yard leaning on a tree and tell them they have to pay $10 to a special cause to have him moved, when they pay the $ they get to pick who's yard is next! DON'T LET HIM GO!!! I have to many plans for Justin!

Anonymous said...

oh yes, please bring Justin to w. ks. let him make some money for couin tanna. bp