August 16, 2011


One of my favorite things about the internet and blogging is reading all of these different blogs that are out there.  Thanks to my friend Priscilla I was introduced to some and then I just went from there.  I love food blogs, mommy blogs, craft blogs, funny blogs, just fun stuff to read.  I have been following Crap at my Parent's House for a while and I kept teasing my mom that I was going to start taking pictures from around her house and send them in, well this year I finally did! 

I never dreamed they would actually post it, there are so many coming in and I was so pleased to see it up today!  I burst out laughing the second I saw it, here's the post.

I have to say thank you to my mom for being such a good sport, she encouraged me to put this up there.  Hope you find it as funny as I did!

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