August 10, 2011

Kindy-garden enrollment

 Say it aint' so!
 No way is my big girl starting Kindergarten!
 Seems it was just yesterday...
 Wait, she still does that face!
 Couldn't be prouder...
 of our big girl!
 We love you to pieces...
 our little Zoey-bug.
 (She does that face too)

We would never catch you making messes like this anymore!  (Thank goodness)

We got Zoey all enrolled on Monday, it was nice and easy since she went to Pre-K last year we just had to copy some stuff and fill out one paper.  She was a little confused since she thought she was starting school that day and was disappointed she didn't get to meet her teacher or play.  They are having a parent meeting and meet and greet on the 18th so we are looking forward to that.  I'm excited for this school year to start, she learned so much last year, and I know she's going to do great!  Well, she better, because I am NOT homeschooling! Haha

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