November 21, 2011

Silly faces

I upgraded my iPhone to a newer, better, faster, way awesome iPhone a few weeks ago.  I love it so much, I'm still amazed how fast it is!  I didn't get the brand new one with Siri, it looks cool though.
Mine has this cool feature that allows you to see yourself to take self-portraits, I love it, and so does Zoey.  I found these today, she took these in the car on the way home from a super fun birthday for her friend Aubree.  Without further ado, my first born:

I love her to pieces, she makes me laugh all the time and I love her personality.  The birthday girl recieved some play make-up for her birthday and dolled a few of the girls up, including Zoey.  She loved it, I think she might get some make-up for Christmas.

I've got some really cute pics of the party, it was at a karate party and the kids had a blast!  Hope everyone had a great weekend!


kriss said...

what a pretty

Anonymous said...

Aften, who does Zoey remind me of?????? YOU!!!!! Love the pics. bp