January 26, 2012

What's Happening?

Well, things have been getting back to normal around these parts, just more preparations for the big move.  I can't believe it's going to be here in like 2 weeks.  Zoey's last day of school is February 10th and then we head out on the 11th.  I'm getting so excited the closer it comes, I am ready to be in Kansas and get settled in.  My mom asked me a couple weeks ago if I would want to help out the Health Office in Sharon and be the secretary, it's only 3 days a week and she knows the other lady that works there and says she's really nice.  I went ahead and applied and I'm going to do a phone interview the 31st.  I'm kind of excited!  It will be so nice I won't have to put Charlotte in daycare and have 4 day weekends every week, I hope I get it.

I set up Zoey's princess tent in the living room the other weekend and Charlotte absolutely loved it.  They had so much fun climbing in and out and playing peek-a-boo.  She's quite the character, between her and Zoey they keep us entertained.
Charlotte's new thing is to scrunch her nose up and give us dirty looks, I love it!  She does it when other people talk to her sometimes or when she's getting into something she's not supposed to.  She's been kinda sick the last couple of days, coughing and runny nose and a little bit of a fever.  She is not sleeping well at ALL and I felt like a zombie the last couple days.  Beau told me that he would take care of Zoey and Charlotte's breakfast and everything this morning and to go take a nap.  I slept until 11:30 and I feel so fantastic!  Got caught up with laundry and everything, it's amazing what a little sleep will do for you.  Even though Charlotte has not been feeling well she is still in such a good mood and eats pretty well, she's so mellow.  We are so lucky to have such sweet girls!
 Look at that face! She's so saucy sometimes.  The weather warmed up a few days this week and we took a trip to the park.  Zoey had fun playing and Charlotte loved watching from the wagon.

Ah! I love that face!
Don't you love when parents get homework too?  I got a note last week saying that to celebrate the 100th day of school we had to make a poster of 100 things .  Zoey and I had fun finding all the things and counting them out to glue them on.

I'm off to try to get this sweet baby to sleep, cross your fingers she sleeps more than an hour at a time tonight! 

1 comment:

mom said...

loved this and can't wait till yall get here---love mom