September 16, 2012

Charlotte Beth Gardner

Well, now it's Miss Charlotte's turn!  Charlotte has had a fantastic summer, she's such a happy baby.  She weighs 22 pounds now, but she's on the short side.  She's running, climbing, saying a ton of words, and is an all-around character.  She sleeps through the night most nights but has a few here and there where she wakes up and wants to snuggle with Mom.  We sure do love our crazy kid!
Char had a birthday in May and we threw her a rainbow party!  Mom and I had fun decorating and making all the goodies. We had mostly family and a few friends and had a great time.
Char had a power nap before the festivities
Char loved the museum and loved watching the big kids run around.
She also got to do more things at the fair this year.  She rode the boats, cars, little ferris wheel, and the merry-go-round, which she didn't like haha.
This was at Zoey's birthday party, Tanna gave her the spatula to lick :) She was a happy girl!
Enjoying a sucker!

This is where we find her often, she loves the doggy cage!
Well, that gets me mostly caught up with Charlotte, we should be back on schedule.  We are enjoying a relaxing weekend, getting caught up on laundry and things before the week starts.  Hope everyone else is too!

September 7, 2012

Zoey Grace Gardner

Today's post is going to be all about Miss Zoey!  I've got to catch up on what we've missed over the summer so I figure I better post about the girls seperately or it will be a picture overload.  Here's what we missed:

Zoey had a birthday in April, she turned 6!  I can't believe how fast she is growing up. 
Here's a pic from last year on her birthday, she's changed so much!
We had a slumber party with the cousins on the day of her birthday and then a couple weeks after that we had a joint party with my uncle, who has the same birthday as Zoey, and my aunt who also has a birthday in April. 

Escuse the clown make-up haha, they were playing dress-up.

One of all the cousins!  They had a great time!

Here she is all ready for the big Spring Program at school!
We also took all of the kids to the Hays Sternburg Museum.  They had a great time looking and touching everything.  The big dinosaur exhibit left the week after we were there, so we made it just in time. 

Zoey by a real live dino thigh bone. 
 Zoey had a great time at the fair this year, she even rode the bullet for the first time.  I think I rode it when I was 12 or something, she was brave!  Beau about took her and didn't care for it at all haha, I think we're getting old!
Zoey waiting in the wagon for the Fair Parade to start.
 Zoey started 1st grade this year, it's hard to believe.  We're about 2 weeks in and she's doing so good.  She has really matured over the summer and is doing great in school.  She has been acing her spelling tests and can read very well.  She loves school, I hope it continues!

Well, that's it for my Zoey catch-up, I'll tackle Charlotte's next.  Hope everyone is having a nice cool week!

September 1, 2012


Sigh... The last time I updated my blog was March!  Yikes!  I've been toying around in my mind what I want for the future of my blog.  I mostly kept up with it so family back home could see pictures and know what was happening in our lives since we were so far away from home.  I also like having it because you forget SO MUCH especially the little day to day things and I love looking back and seeing what happened a month, a year, a week ago. 

Now I'm home and I need to keep in touch with friends that are far away and I love looking at their blogs and seeing what they have been up to.  So here's the thing... Do I start from now?  Do I go back and add the stuff I've missed?  Seems so overwhelming.  I also haven't been taking as many pictures so that kind of tied hand in hand with blogging.  I would say to myself, "Oh take some pics, this would be a great blog post!" 

My job is mostly spent on the computer at the office and the LAST thing I want to do when I get home is get on another one.  Since I have a laptop I mostly did my blogging sitting on the couch and that is pretty much a no go these days.  See, I have this little miniature person named Charlotte running around thinking all the buttons are made for her to push, haha.  I finally found a good spot to put my laptop out of the way so I'm hoping I'll be able to update it more often. 

Ok, that's the end of my "I'm sorry I haven't blogged, I'll try to better" speech.  Here's some pic updates!  My friend from high school takes pictures now and she took some for us a couple weeks ago.  She does a fantastic job!

Thanks for being patient with me guys, I'll be posting some more things soon!