December 5, 2011

Christmas is coming!

I have about 3 new blog posts floating around in my mind but I keep putting off the chance to sit down and write one out.  Here's some Christmas tree pictures, better late than never! Haha

We bought a big Christmas tree last year on sale after the holidays, I think we got it for $40.  It's been sitting in the box all year long and I see it every time I get in and out of my car in the garage.  The anticipation to put it up has been killing me!  When the MEB people told us we might be home by Christmas I was still determined to put that tree up, I NEEDED to see what it looked like haha.  Turns out, Beau's last day is March 20th and I might be headed home earlier but for sure after the new year. That tree was going up for sure!  It feels so good to finally have a date to look forward to.

Charlotte is getting pretty good with her walker, she can go backwards really great and forwards when she wants to.  She did not like the tree going up at all.  She sat on the floor with me and rubbed her face in my leg and fussed almost the whole time.  I think she gets worried about change, she likes her routine.  Zoey on the other hand, was so super excited she bounced around the living room and was a great helper. 
We started setting it up in the living room and found out pretty quickly that this tree was going to be gigantic.  WAY bigger than our other one. 
Here it is!  I absolutely love it, it reminds me of the tree my parents have.  Beau made our star by poking a strand of lights through a paper 3-D star from the dollar store.  We are all sorts of crafty around here haha!

Beau got Frosty put up and he put some lights around on the ground.  He didn't feel like putting any on the house, we still didn't know his seperation date at this point so he wasn't interested in having to take a bunch of stuff down if we had to leave before Christmas.  He did add some lights and garland to the little tree out front and made it cute.  Zoey is impressed we have a Christmas tree inside AND outside. 

I'm almost done with my Christmas shopping, Zoey is asking Santa for a LaLa Loopsy Crumbs Sugar Cookie with silly hair.  If that isn't a mouthful!  We still have to go get their picture taken with Santa at the mall, Zoey loved him last year.  She ran and leaped onto his lap it was so funny.  I bet Charlotte won't like him as much. 

We woke up to snow on the ground this morning!  It's supposed to stay pretty cold with some flurries the next couple days and not get much warmer after that.  I'm loving this cold weather, after the crazy hot summer we had I didn't think it would ever get cold.  These are the days I dreamed about when I saw 112 degrees on the temperature gauge haha! 

1 comment:

kriss said...

Looks so pretty and my is beau crafty///love yall-p-mom